Eisenhower Matrix-a way to prioritize your tasks

Arbaaz Ali
3 min readJun 12, 2019


You have a lot of tasks to do today.You know them all.You rise early in the morning.Start doing them all.You spend all your day being busy with them.You are passionate to end all these by tonight.You take small breaks meanwhile and comeback to work on time.Yet by the end of the day you have done nothing significant,and this has left you with great guilt,dread,despair,anxiety and self hatred

Sounds familiar right…? This happens whenever we fail to prioritize our tasks and keep wasting our time on smaller irrelevant and less important things. So much of a self discovery…? lets come to the solution

Actually there are two types of tasks Important and Urgent,and Eisenhower Matrix is a strategy that not only lets you distinguish between them but also helps in prioritizing the most urgent and important task

Here’s how it works

The first box will contain the most important and urgent tasks e.g, a university deadline,medical emergency,any project submission etc. do them now

The 2nd box will contain important but not urgent tasks e.g, tasks related to Health,relationships and your dreams-schedule a time to do them

The 3rd box will contain tasks which are urgent but not important for you e.g,interruption like attending to calls,texts and Emails-delegate these tasks to someone else

4th box finally contain all that we love-the most unimportant and not urgent tasks like watching movie or TV, surfing through social media or YouTube etc and the most heavy part of this process is that you eliminate/cancel them and never do it. simple….right?

Now lets illustrate it an example. I have following tasks to do this week

Making quizzes for my student

Going to exercise

Appointment with a doctor

Planing a get together with friends

Completing my online Course

Applying for a new course

Watching movies surfing through Facebook or YouTube

a visit to my relatives

play cricket with friends

and this is how my Eisenhower matrix will look like

its time you try yours..

use the above link to download Einsenhower matrix template to make yours.

I hope it helps you with your workload

Have a nice day!

